I thought I could handle two language classes in one semester, namely German and Japanese. Apparently I couldn't be more wrong, especially considering how much gut-felt anger I am storing up against my Japanese class. I don't like the language yet (and I doubt if I ever will) and I hate the way in which I am learning it.
I finished my readings and weekly posting last night around 11pm and started my German and Japanese homework. The German Hausaufgaben, though long-winding and calculation-required, I was fine with. Then it was the Japanese Hiragana and the romanized greeting listening exercises(since we don't yet know enough of the Japanese Syllabary systems). I curbed my urge to iconize/graphicalize the 46 Hiragana, which according to our unnecessarily haughty and unsincerely polite teacher, was invented out of the reason that Kanji, i.e., Chinese Characters were too difficult for the Japanese women to master. Regardlessly, I actually got myself interested in how the Hiragana had its vestige in Kanji.
But when I finally reached the listening comprehension part, I was fully infuriated. The romanized sentences, e.g. 'watashi wa sensei desu' (I am a teacher), become such a ridicule of this allegedly beautifully oriental language. It is petrified by its desire to communicate to an alphabetical language. Its modernist stance is a sheer embarrassment. I know that the way it is taught is determined by the place where it is taught: romanization is a necessity and maybe Chinese and Korean and Sanskrit are all taught this way. Yet the condescending gesture it makes (e.g. forcing everybody to bow with 'Hi' 'Dozoo' etc) again becomes the biggest laughing stock in face of its surbodination to the longed 'other'. What is all these pretensions for? Don't you have better use of your energy? What is exactly wrong here?
I realized that almost everyone on my 'to be connected' list has at one point or another learned some Japanese. I am so curious: were/are you ever angry with it? Or am I just over-reacting? Looking forward to answers.
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汗,偶都说是gut feelings了。。。
偶对罗马化没有意见,对消除汉语痕迹没有意见,爱用什么记音方式用什么。台湾拼音也很好玩。本来“字”就比“字母”门槛高,谁也不能一下子就会了。(这个礼拜的reading正巧读Walter Ong的Orality and Literacy, rp哎。)
我不舒服的是:一边从各个方面借鉴,一边宣称借来的结果是authenticity,是primordial historicity.(但是好笑的是,那个借鉴的痕迹这么明显,有史料的哎。够狠就跟人家世宗学,像韩语一样,改得再厉害点)就是不肯实话实说,多假啊。还悄悄地认为这种模式比那种模式好。势利。。。
还有不爽的是这里的教日语的那个部门:充分证明语言教学是high learning的lowest breed. 就是当个生意来做。我交了95刀买书不说,还要我拿个信封装现金,写上我那个老师的名字,nnd,我当时就问:为什么?心里想:干嘛,拿提成阿?!另:我们那个老师上了这么多节课,表说本居宣长了,如果不是我问hiragana哪里来的,她一个字日语历史都不准备讲。什么嘛!……明显我们赋格有文化!……
严重同意赋格,我觉得日语发音是最好听的,better than french, german and korean. Italian sounds great though.
so desu...
I honestly don't think French sounds THAT great... romanticized, by Americans, mainly.
あめ,a me,确实非常女。
JP anime的声优都超级出色的,能培养你对声音的感情。就说那个飞影吧,wk,男性的声音还能更sexy么
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