Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"You gotta move" (2009.1.20)

(The Obama inauguration day @ one of his alma maters)

Due to the brazen lateness and laziness of this entry as a piece of quasi-report on the historical Obama-inauguration, I shall be brief. :)

I regretted not bringing my camera to school on January 20, 2009, not for the sake of the spectacle of the new-found political zest of this country, but rather the stand-in opposite of it: the uncontainable apathy, unwittingly betrayed and astutely captured by a CU photographer from whom I borrow the picture that is inserted above.

Apathy? Yes. As Obama acknowledged Mr. Bush's efforts and legacy of his two terms, as the camera panned over to find the by-now EX-president, the Washington crowd politely and generously applauded and cheered. Yet, some 224 kilometers eastward, at the heart of one of the Obama boot-camps, in front of the grotesquely huge "Jumbo Tron" screen, a tacit crowd, as you see in the picture, remained silent. Unanimously and apathetically silent.

Unanimous except a dozen of security guards scattered on the plaza making sure that people were behaving and the order maintained. One of them was trying hard to keep people off the turning corner of the stairs leading up toward the library so that an exit remained clear. Being stuck behind the security guard and after listening to his "order-keeping" for nearly half an hour in the cold, I was growing paranoid. Suddenly in that moment of collective silence and apathy, I finally heard what the guard was saying, "You gotta move!" Allegorically, "You gotta move".

As the EX-president finally boarded his plane and submitted to his destiny of "you gotta move", like the crowd, I reached out for euphoria. After all, it is the worst of times; it is the best of times. And we have all got to move. Maybe Yeats was right:"Brood on hopes and fear no more". We gotta move.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's Said

A. Edward Said@Charlie Rose's show, 1994年8月8日 (1:06-29:57)


13:54, 阿拉法特应该下台一鞠躬。

16:22, Said:哈马斯初期曾被以色列支持。(如果萨义德没有说错,那今日以色列入侵加沙,不就是另一场伊拉克/阿富汗战争?!)

17:07, Said:以色列曾盘算让阿拉法特作为其在加沙的enforcer.

26:00, Said回答Rose提问:你的疾病如何影响你看待这个问题(巴以)?

B. 摘录北岛《午夜之门》,2002年受阿拉法特接见(《失败之书》,p.200.):
“这显然是阿拉法特的办公室兼会客厅。一头是办公桌,旁边立着巴勒斯坦国旗;另一头是一圈沙发,茶几上放着一盘娇气的睡莲。阿拉法特和我们头头罗素坐中间。按事先说定的,这次会见不对外公开,故所有记者都被赶了出去。罗素首先代表国际作家会说了几句话,表示对巴勒斯坦独立和自由的支持……索因卡说,他希望不要把仇恨和冲突写进教科书去。阿拉法特做了个坚决的手势,说:‘绝不会的。我们甚至相反,太不关注对历史的描述了。’说道仇恨,他感叹道,小时候他家就在哭墙附近,他整天和犹太孩子们一起玩。如今这几乎是不可能了。最后轮到我。我说,自童年起你就是我心目中的英雄。我想知道经历了如此漫长的岁月和重重困难,你是否还保持着当年的理想?阿拉法特激动地跳起来,指着他身后的庙山(Mount of Temple)的巨幅照片。特别是那醒目的镀金圆顶(Dome of the Rock)和旁边的犹太教寺院。庙山不仅是伊斯兰教,也是天主教和犹太教圣地。基督曾在这儿布道,希伯莱人的祖先亚伯拉罕的第一个祭坛也在这儿。阿拉法特用指头画了个大圆圈,意思是在一起和平共处,那就是他的理想。他也是个会用隐喻的人,那是一种能力,观察和解释世界的另一种方法另一个向度。很难想象他的对手沙龙使用隐喻,沙龙的语言倒是直截了当,那就是坦克。三天后,他的坦克冲进阿拉法特官邸。”


Sunday, January 4, 2009


《荒人手记》得奖感言—— 朱天文 :《奢靡的实践 》

九一年二月,交出「戏梦人生」分场剧本之后,我开始下决心写长篇。所谓下决心,就是根本不要考虑发表、刊载这件事了。换言之,写长篇的命运不过只是自己写给自己看,或再多一点,像昔日曹氏的手抄本在朋友亲戚之间传阅罢了。写长篇,仅仅是为了自我证明存活在现今这个世界并非一场虚妄,否则,我不知道是否还有存活下去的理由和勇气。(何等无聊的证明,何等奢靡的实践。 ) 本来在写的是「日神的后裔」,写了五万字作废。 九二年十月改写目前这部小说,原题叫「寂寞之乡」,后来改成「航向色情乌托邦」,完稿投寄前才定名为现在的「荒人手记」。
