1. 莫拉克水災降雨量破兩百年來記錄,而新紀錄保持不了兩百年,下在地球上任何一個地方都完蛋,下在有山有土的地方完蛋得更快;
2. 台灣早早發現400條土石流(泥石流)。寶島變危島的若干年來,行政力量圓滿完成隱瞞地質災害,保護房地產業、旅遊觀光和養殖業蓬勃發展的重責大任;
3. 做總統,不能上午參加義消葬禮,下午參加棒球賽開幕。我們做人還是不要做馬先生式的好學生了,沒啥意思;
4. 顏色政治被選舉政治加倍固化,理解災難的能力越發低下。只看得到藍色冷酷藍色無能,看不到農業社會受工業和都市文明的傾軋。只看得到綠色傷痛綠色無助,看不到從殖民前就支付最慘重代價的,就是住在上山被污名化為“高山族”的原住民;
5. 民間力量最強大,勞動人民最樸實。台灣世界展望會實在是太有效力了。決定把想捐的錢,捐給這個十天內拿得出重建村落計劃的組織。
Friday, August 21, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
"I WAS BORN in the city of Bombay ... once upon a time. No, that won't do, there's no getting away from the date: I was born in Doctor Narlikar's Nursing Home on August 15th, 1947. And the time? The time matters, too. Well then: at night. No, it's important to be more ... On the stroke of midnight, as a matter of fact. Clock-hands joined palms in respectful greeting as I came. Oh, spell it out, spell it out: at the precise instant of India's arrival at independence, I tumbled forth into the world. There were gasps. And, outside the window, fireworks and crowds. A few seconds later, my father broke his big toe; but his accident was a mere trifle when set beside what had befallen me in that benighted moment, because thanks to the occult tyrannies of those blandly saluting clocks I had been mysteriously handcuffed to history, my destinies indissolubly chained to those of my country. For the next three decades, there was to be no escape. Sooth-sayers had prophesied me, newspapers celebrated my arrival, politicos ratified my authenticity. I was left entirely without a say in the matter. I, Saleem Sinai, later variously called Snotnose, Stainface, Baldy, Sniffer, Buddha and even Piece-of-the-Moon, had become heavily embroiled in Fate — at the best of times a dangerous sort of involvement. And I couldn't even wipe my own nose at the time."
(p. 1. Rushdie rewrites the entire third-person narrative epic which is much longer than the published 531 pages, into this mesmerizing enchantment of first-person narration.)
"He was born in Old Delhi ... once upon a time. No, that won't do, there's no getting away from the date: Aadam Sinai arrived at a night-shadowed slum on June 25th, 1975. And the time? The time matters, too. As I said: at night. No, it's important to be more ... On the stroke of midnight, as a matter of fact. Clock-hands joined palms. Oh, spell it out, spell it out: at the precise instant of India's arrival at Emergency, he emerged. There were gasps; and, across the country, silences and fears. And owing to the occult tyrannies of that benighted hour, he was mysteriously handcuffed to history, his destinies indissolubly chained to those of his country. Unprophesied, uncelebrated, he came; no prime ministers wrote him letters; but, just the same, as my time of connection neared its end, his began. He, of course, was left entirely without a say in the matter; after all, he couldn't even wipe his own nose at the time. "
(p.482. A stroke of amazement when Saleem's non-Saleem-son is born. History does not repeat itself, does it?)
"I WAS BORN in the city of Bombay ... once upon a time. No, that won't do, there's no getting away from the date: I was born in Doctor Narlikar's Nursing Home on August 15th, 1947. And the time? The time matters, too. Well then: at night. No, it's important to be more ... On the stroke of midnight, as a matter of fact. Clock-hands joined palms in respectful greeting as I came. Oh, spell it out, spell it out: at the precise instant of India's arrival at independence, I tumbled forth into the world. There were gasps. And, outside the window, fireworks and crowds. A few seconds later, my father broke his big toe; but his accident was a mere trifle when set beside what had befallen me in that benighted moment, because thanks to the occult tyrannies of those blandly saluting clocks I had been mysteriously handcuffed to history, my destinies indissolubly chained to those of my country. For the next three decades, there was to be no escape. Sooth-sayers had prophesied me, newspapers celebrated my arrival, politicos ratified my authenticity. I was left entirely without a say in the matter. I, Saleem Sinai, later variously called Snotnose, Stainface, Baldy, Sniffer, Buddha and even Piece-of-the-Moon, had become heavily embroiled in Fate — at the best of times a dangerous sort of involvement. And I couldn't even wipe my own nose at the time."
(p. 1. Rushdie rewrites the entire third-person narrative epic which is much longer than the published 531 pages, into this mesmerizing enchantment of first-person narration.)
"He was born in Old Delhi ... once upon a time. No, that won't do, there's no getting away from the date: Aadam Sinai arrived at a night-shadowed slum on June 25th, 1975. And the time? The time matters, too. As I said: at night. No, it's important to be more ... On the stroke of midnight, as a matter of fact. Clock-hands joined palms. Oh, spell it out, spell it out: at the precise instant of India's arrival at Emergency, he emerged. There were gasps; and, across the country, silences and fears. And owing to the occult tyrannies of that benighted hour, he was mysteriously handcuffed to history, his destinies indissolubly chained to those of his country. Unprophesied, uncelebrated, he came; no prime ministers wrote him letters; but, just the same, as my time of connection neared its end, his began. He, of course, was left entirely without a say in the matter; after all, he couldn't even wipe his own nose at the time. "
(p.482. A stroke of amazement when Saleem's non-Saleem-son is born. History does not repeat itself, does it?)
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